Oh, Bob. I wish you wouldn’t go out of your way so much to ignore Minnesota. You said for the longest time that you grew up in Duluth, but even though you were born there, I know for a fact you grew up in Hibbing.
My Paternal Grandmother was one or two years older than you at Hibbing High School and I totally found you in her yearbook one time when my Dad and I went up to help her move. Blew my mind that a scant few pages in the yearbook, there was Bob fuckin’ Dylan. (Even though he was listed as Robert Zimmerman.)
Apparently my Grandmother was at or heard about the talent show he played at in Hibbing at the fabulous Hibbing High School. Dude pretty much got shut down, from what I understand. He was good, but the teachers running the event decided he was immoral or too loud or whatever and unplugged his set. Damn the Man, Dylan. Damn the man.
My Paternal Grandmother was one or two years older than you at Hibbing High School and I totally found you in her yearbook one time when my Dad and I went up to help her move. Blew my mind that a scant few pages in the yearbook, there was Bob fuckin’ Dylan. (Even though he was listed as Robert Zimmerman.)
Apparently my Grandmother was at or heard about the talent show he played at in Hibbing at the fabulous Hibbing High School. Dude pretty much got shut down, from what I understand. He was good, but the teachers running the event decided he was immoral or too loud or whatever and unplugged his set. Damn the Man, Dylan. Damn the man.
2 commenti:
Non ti arrabbiare ocn Bob.
Bob è stato la colonna sonora della mia vita, credo di avere tutti i suoi dischi e se qualcuno mi è sfuggito è solo perchè ne pubblica più di quanti io faccia in tempo a comprarne, qualcuno sublime, altri da buttare a mare, o da conservare per dimostrare come NON si fa un disco.
Ma sempre grande e nelle mie 31 canzoni preferite, una decina sono sue... o cantate da altri, ma scritte da lui...
bob c'e' e ne ho le prove! :-)
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